Biology facts
A kind of jellyfish (Turritopsis nutricula) upon reaching adulthood can transform itself back to childhood by converting its cells. It may repeat this to live forever. Submitted by: Nunnally
The biggest egg in the world is the ostrich egg. It could take as many as 30 chicken eggs to equal its volume, and up to 2 hours to hard boil. Submitted by: Josie - Australia
The largest frog in the world is The Goliath Frog of Gabon in West Africa and can grow as big as 33cm long and up to 3kg heavy. Submitted by: Anisha - Dubai, UAE.
When the queen of a clownfish school dies, a male clownfish changes its gender to become female and takes her place. Submitted by: Susie - Port Saint Lucie, Florida, United States.
The life of an eyelash is about 5 months. Submitted by: Manaal - Dubai, UAE.
The Horseshoe crab has blue blood. Submitted by: Manaal - Dubai, UAE.
The nerves in our body are most concentrated in our fingertips. Submitted by: Manaal - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dolphins cannot stay long underwater because they breathe through their blowholes above water. Submitted by: Ankita L - Dubai, UAE
Some migratory birds have a "magnetic compass" in their body (a sense called Magnetoreception) to help them navigate using Earth's magnetic field. Submitted by: Akki - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The catfish father keeps the eggs in his mouth until they are ready to be hatched. Submitted by: Reedell
The tiny Water Bear (Tardigrade) can survive environments extreme enough to kill any other animal - with temperatures as low as -273°C close to Absolute Zero to as high as 151°C. Submitted by: Justin - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Corneas are the only tissues that don't require blood. Submitted by: Pritesh Jain - Sirohi, Rajasthan, India
The Giant Kelp algea (Macrocystis pyrifera) is the fastest growing organism on earth and can grow at a rate of 70cm (two feet) a day. Submitted by: Edmer Aguilar
Dolphins only "sleep" half awake - keeping one eye open while consciously breathing and floating on surface. Submitted by: Jeevan - Kathmandu, Nepal
The length between your elbow and hand (forearm) equals the length of your foot. Submitted by: Alyssa
If you fully stretch your arms out, the fingertip to fingertip length is almost exactly your body height. Submitted by: Alyssa
The lightest organ in the human body is the lung. Submitted by: Michael Vincent Sotto
An ostrich egg is also the largest existing single cell. Submitted by: Irine
Giraffes could pass out with blood filling their brain when they lower their neck, so they have a sponge-like organ in the head which slowly gathers and releases blood. Submitted by: Miia - London, United Kingdom.
The Golden "Poison Dart" frog in South America is the most poisonous vertebrate in the world. Submitted by: Sruthi R - Coimbatore, India
The acceleration rate of a flea's jump is 20 times that of a space shuttle during launch. Submitted by: Sruthi R - Coimbatore, India
The Brazilian "railroad worm" has a head that glows with a red light, and has a green light on its side. Submitted by: Sruthi R - Coimbatore, India
A woodpecker can peck with a force as high as 1,200 g's with each impact - equivalent to a human striking head against a wall at a speed of 25km (16 miles) an hour each time.
A large woodpecker can peck as fast as 20 times a second and up to 12,000 times a day.
The world's smallest flowering plant is the Wolffia, whose one full bouquet of flowers can fit on the head of a push-pin. Submitted by: Hyde
Rafflesia Arnoldii is the largest flower in world, and can grow as big as an umbrella. Submitted by: Hyde
Avocados have the highest fibre and calories of any fruit. Submitted by: Hyde
Pineapple is actually a giant berry. Submitted by: Hyde
The most poisonous snake in the world is Belcher's Sea Snake or the Faint-banded Sea Snake (Hydrophis belcheri). Submitted by: Ankita - Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Turtles and sea cucumbers can breathe through their butts. Submitted by: BJ Caronan
The cow has four stomachs, as most ruminant mammals do. Submitted by: Nicole and Sarah - United States.
The little Alaskan Wood Frog is capable of reviving itself back to normal life after staying completely frozen for months, during which its heart, brain and other organs stop functioning.
Some species of earthworm can have as many as 10 hearts. Submitted by: Jhun Mark Soriano
There are more species of fish in Amazon river than in the entire Atlantic Ocean (Over 2,000). Submitted by: Will Bryant - United States.
Chameleons often have tongues longer than their bodies. Submitted by: Maureen - Cavite, PH
A worm is both male and female at the same time (a hermaphrodite.)
Dolphins and whales are mammals that don't drink water. Submitted by: Orange - United Kingdom.
Sheeps, goats and the octopus have almost rectangular-oval pupils in their eyes. Submitted by: Abby
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